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Goal of project 

My goal for this project was to represent a functioning mentoring/ leadership group. That has the potential to carry on a legacy at ANOKA HIGH-SCHOOL. 


If you go back to the project visuals, that's were all my progress is shown. 


The most rewarding part of this project would have to be getting a plaque to be the first to start a legacy of I.M.P.A.C.T as a whole. The next thing I would say is, being able to connect and relate to different students in the group. I would say the students felt way more comfortable with us after sharing our life stories, and the respect level was raised. Lastly, I would say staff members that contributed to the group were very rewarding. How they contributed to the project and engaged was very amazing.


The three challenges that I faced in this project would have to be Leadership, Time, and Determination. The leadership aspect of this project was hard because I came to realize that I was the head of the group. So everyone was depending on me to make the right call when it came to topics meeting times, and more. The timing was also a difficult part of this project as well. I had to make sure that my leader's schedules aligned with mine, and also make sure the student's schedules are too. It got difficult because everyone was in a sport or an activity, and that affected some meetings as well. Lastly, I say determination because you can say you want to do something but you won't actually do it. It takes a strong mindset to put something together that you're passionate about and actually proceeded with it.

The Future

After being in STEAM for four years, I would say it's been very difficult but also a very big valuable resource over the course of four years. Steam has taught me how to challenge myself in ways that I couldn't even imagine. After learning with my peers, and developing academically. This will help me with my college experience by looking back at how far I came from a Freshman in Highschool to a Senior. Being able to make that connection in college will benefit me a lot. Besides challenging myself academically STEAM has also taught me how to not be discouraged to try something new. I remember being so discouraged when it came to lasering or working with the raspberry pie. This year I worked on having a fixed mindset when I couldn't figure out things. 

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